Diva themed baby shower cake. Cake covered in white chocolate vanilla fondant with black chocolate vanilla fondant zebra stripes. Black chocolate fondnat pearls line the bottom edge of the cake. The box lid of this cake is made of rice krispy treats covered in fondant with a fondant ribbon around the edge. Popping out of the box is gumpaste rolled thin and cut to resemble tissue paper. Gumpast gerbera daisies grace the top of this cake.
This is my final cake in Okinawa.
Dora the Explorer cupcake birthday cake. Twenty-four cupcakes are placed togther forming a number two, create the perfect landscape for Dora and her friends to play and celebrate this birthday!
Diego cupcake birthday cake. Twenty-four cupcakes come together to creat a number four with a playful buttercream landscape for Diego's adventures!
Chicago sports cake. Covered in buttercream with hand cut and painted team logos and city scape.
Curious George cake. Covered in buttercream with fondant accents. George is hand cut with painted nose, mouth and eyebrows.
Strawberry Shortcake cake. Covered in buttercream with fondant draped over the top half. Gumpaste daisy's and hand sculpted strawberries brighted the side of the cake and hand sculpted Strawberry Shortcake characters sit on top.
Couch cake for my valentine! Two six-inch layers of cake hand carved and assembled to form a couch and then covered in white chocolate almond fondant. Coffee table top made of cake covered in fondant and hand-painted to create a wood grain. Rug made of fondant and hand-painted. All characters are made of gumpaste and hand-painted to be relicas of my husband and I in our favorite comfy clothes and our dog and cat in their typical positions. Gumpaste hearts float above on 24 guage wire.
Valentine's heart chocolate chip sugar cookies. decorated with royal icing with scripture written using a food safe pen. These cookies compliment a lesson on the life of King David.
Star Wars birthday cake. Three layers of cake covered in white chocolate vanilla fondant. Stars made from gumpaste and painted with silver luster duster. Names and number hand cut and painted with gold and silver luster duster. Master Windu hand-sculpted from gumpaste.

Sweet Sixteen birthday cake covered in fondant with gumpast lettering and numbers. Various candies decorate this sweet themed cake.
Elmo first birthday cake covered in buttercream with fondant lettering, numbers and curly cues. Elmo's head is create with a six-inch single layer cake covered in buttercream with fondant eyes and nose.
Captain America cake covered in white chocolate fondant and fondant decorations. Gumpaste version of Captain America stands next to the cake ready for action!

Barbie birthday cake. Buttercream eight-inch cake with fondant decorations.
Indiana Jones adventure birthday cake, mine cart scene. Ten inch cake carved to create a cart path. Covered in chocolate buttercream and filled with red buttercream. Torches are birthday candles covered in gumpaste. All other items are also made from gumpaste. Learn how to carve a cake here.
Three-tier topsy-turvey cake. Cake covered in buttercream with fondant circles, stripes, lettering and balls. Stars made with gumpaste as well as the number one.
Rio birthday cake. Six inch cake covered in white chocolate fondant with cake base in fondant. Hand-sculpted gumpaste birds top the cake, two flying above using wire and secured to the cake using floral spikes. Gumpaste flowers add color and set the scene for the birds tropical environment. Leaves get their realistic touch from a rose leaf silicone mold and several shades of petal dust.
Sleigh sugar cookies decorated with royal icing. Sleighs filled with truffles. Learn how to make this sleigh by clicking here.
Topsy turvey cake covered in fondant in celebration of the birth of Christ. Diamonds on bottom layer created with a stitching tool. Top layer hand painted to look rustic and childish with siloughettes of the shephards and sheep observing the bright star that shone in the sky when Christ was born. Bow on top signifies the gift to us when our king was born and the banner sends an invitation to come and meet our Savior. Jesus didn't just come for some; He came for all, to save us from our sins and give us a way to heaven. His grace is a free gift. Romans 3:32, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Jesus is our way. The only way.
Learn more about creating this cake here.
Present and heart sugar cookies packaged together reminding the recipient of God's love born in the flesh on Christmas morning. Cookies iced with icing glaze and red disco dust adds sparkle to the hearts.
Cheerleading birthday cake. Cake covered in buttercream with fondant decorations on the cake and gumpaste cut-outs standing above the cake on wire.
Rudolph and his eight reindeer friends. Sugar cookies with royal icing. Hand painted details around eyes. Red Disco Dust adds sparkle to Rudlophs nose!
Digital USMC Cami Cake made especially for a future Marine! Cake covered in a light layer of green fondant (skivvie shirt color) and an outer layer of brown fondant handpainted in USMC digital pattern. Pocket flaps and nametapes added on top. EGAs made of gumpaste using a chocolate mold. Cover is molded from rice krispy treats covered first in buttercream then in brown fondant and painted to match cake.
Dessert spread. Mini cupcakes, some topped with gumpste martini glasses, cream puffs, macaroons filled with ganache and olive shaped cake balls.

Flapper hat sugar cookies. White hats are all royal icing. Black hats are a royal icing base with white chocolate fondant ribbon and flowers. Silver dragees added to center of all flowers.
Marine sugar cookies. Enlisted in dress blues (left) and officer in dress blues (right). Decorated with royal frosting.
USMC birthday cake. Cake covered in buttercream frosting. All decrative pieces are done in white chocolate fondant. EGA and rope painted with luster dust. Lettering cut from Tappits script letter cutter.
USAF E-3 Sentry Aircraft sugar cookie. Decorated in royal frosting.
Backyardigan and Elmo first birthday party cake. All cakes are covered in buttercream with gumpaste and fondant accents. Box lid is constructed of Rice Krispie Treat iced with buttercream and covered with fondant. The birthday girls are scuplted in gumpaste and interacting with their favorite cartoon characters!
This cake is so fun and playful (also a culmination of the knowledge the Lord has gifted me with to this point) that I wanted to show off all the details! Each character is at play "helping" to decorate or playing with the little girls.
Butterfly birthday cupcakes. Two flavors of cupcakes, topped with buttercream frosting and a fondant butterfly decorated with royal icing. Each cupcake is individually boxed and tied with a bow for an extra special treat for guests!
Practice cake for sugar roses. Cake covered in cream cheese buttercream with royal icing scrolling. Large roses are made of gumpaste and dusted in ivory powder and pear dust.
Medieval theme birthday cake. Buttercream covered cake topped with hand sculpted gumpaste figures.
Buttercream eight-inch cake with a hand-sculpted gumpaste fish on top and fondant fish along sides. A fondant ribbon lines the bottom edge and chocolate pearls give this cake it's finishing touch.
Golf theme birthday cake. Fondant cake with gumpaste figures.
Dora the Explorer birthday cake. Gumpaste sculpted Dora and Boots. Cake is covered in buttercream and top is draped in fondant. Cake is make of 3 layers, two 10 inch layers and one 8 inch layer on the bottom and then tapered for a whimsical look.
Angelina Ballerina Cake.
Baby shower cake. Buttercream frosting with fondant accents.
First birthday boy cake. Both layers of cake are covered in buttercream with fondant shapes added. Cake board is covered in fondant. Stars and number one are gumpaste. Child's name is cut from FMM's Funky Letter stencils. Bottom tier used to serve guests and top tier used for baby's smash cake.
Replica business logo cake. Cake covered in fondant with gumpaste flowers, starfish, jewelry, leaves and seaturtle molded by hand. Cake board is covered in fondant using a wood graining technique. Coconut around the sides give adds to the beach feel as seen in the company catalog.
Rock star birthday cake with gum paste stars hand painted with luster duster. Floating music notes keep the sound moving! Cupcakes made to match and are topped with music notes and simple lyrics created by this blessed birthday girls mom. Find more ideas on how to host your own rock star celebration by visiting www.thedesignbug.com.
Blackberry birthday cake. Cake covered in fondant. All writing and pictures painted by hand.
Guitar birthday cake. Cake covered in fondant. Fingerboard made of gumpaste as well as all other elements on the guitar. 'Happy Birthday' done in chocolate. Cake balls made to match with pink sprinkles on top.
Suitcase farewell cake. Cake covered in buttercream with fondant for the leather edging as well as the stickers. Handle and metal feature done in gumpaste. Decorations on stickers done by hand as well as the writing on the luggage tag.
Smash cake to match the larger Noah's Ark cake bellow. Lettering hand-cut from fondant. Giraffe also hand-molded from fondant. Cake is covered in cream-cheese buttercream frosting.
A Noah's Ark birthday cake to serve to the guests matching the above smash cake. Animals are hand cut from fondant. Rainbow is but from fondant and ark on top is made of rice crispies covered in fondant.
Birthday Ship cake covered in fondant and painted to look like wood. Accessories and figures are hand-molded using gumpaste. Dowel-rod masts hold up gumpaste sails tied up with ribbon. The cake board is covered in fondant graham cracker crumbs mixed with piping gel create sand on the beach.
This ten inch cake is topped with a round cake held tightly by rice crispy hands (the hands of our sweet Jesus). The cakes are covered in buttercream while the hands are covered in fondant. Gumpaste candles light the edges and the nations are cut from fondant. Cupcakes donned with buttercream and a candle add a few extra serving around the cake. To learn more about this cake and it's meaning click here. Above the blog-post for this cake is also a tutorial on how to create your own gumpaste candles.
A feast fit for any little princess, this six-inch princess cake is the perfect compliment to cup-cakes to celebrate with guest each holding their very own tiara. The cake is covered in buttercream with a large fondant tiara surrounding it. On top sits a gumpaste princess made to resemble this birthday girl. Cupcakes are also topped with buttercream and a gumpaste tiara. A little shimmer was added to the small and larger tiara's using luster duster to create the effect of gems.
High School graduation cake. Half sheet cake covered in buttercream. Hat have cake bottoms covered in buttercream and gumpaste tops.
Preschool graduation cake. Half sheet cake covered in buttercream. Head of children are cake covered in piped buttercream. Caps are gumpaste with fondant tasles. Diplomas are also made out of fondant. Cupcakes made to match with buttercream frosting, peanut butter cups and After Eight Mints for caps.
Navy nurse happy birthday cake. Cake covered in chocolate ganache. Flowers and Navy emblem done in fondant.
Naval Hospital civilian nurse cake celebrating nurses day. Half sheet cake covered in white chocolate buttercream. Victorian roses in buttercream line the edges. Civilian nurse logo done in fondant.

Easter celebration cake. By far, my favorite! Truly inspired by the Spirit, this cake demonstrates to children (and adults) what Easter really means. Whether you know what Jesus did for you that day so long ago on the cross or not, take a moment, click here, and (re)discover the gospel and it's glory!
Baby shower cake gift wrapped in fondant.
Beatrix Potter baby shower cake. Two tiers covered in buttercream. Top of cake is covered in chocolate cookies for dirt with gumpaste carrots. Parsley leaves stuck into carrot tops create the carrot leafs. Flowers in the center are done in royal icing.
Seventies Birthday cake. All pieces are cake covered in fondant. Television has pack-man hand-painted on the screen. Wood graining technique used on television and atari box. Cake board is covered with fondant made to resemble green-shag carpeting. A tasty way to relive parts of your childhood!
Volley ball cake and cake board covered in fondant. Gumpaste figure sits on top with 'sand' (graham cracker crumbs mixed with piping gel) surrounding the cake.
Vera Bradley purse cake. Cake is covered in fondant as well as the cake board. Handle and piping done in gumpaste. Flowers are hand-painted. Learn more about how this cake was labored into existence here.
Cherry blossom cake. Six inch cake with hand painted tree and cut-out blossoms painted with luster duster. Cake is covered in fondant as well as cake board.
Sushi cake. Wood board is cake covered in fondant with wood graining technique. Sushi is cake covered in gumpaste. Ginger, wasabi, chopsticks and soy sauce bowl are all hand molded from gumpaste. Cake board is covered in fondant and hand painted to look like Japanese fabric.
Three tier buttercream wedding reception cake with real orchids as accents.
Let it snow buttercream cake with royal icing snowflakes.