February 19, 2012

Simple Heart Cookies

A month ago I looked ahead on my calendar seeing what special lessons I wanted to teach to the kids at church and what truths about God I wanted to hone in on. I saw Valentine's Day coming up and knew I wanted to do something special. I found my heart cookie cutter, started looking for sugar cookie ideas and then life happened. Valentine's Day came and went and no cookies came out of my kitchen for the kids. Plan failed.

Being a little late no longer bothers me as it becomes a bit of the norm in my life, so I became determined to have cookies ready to pass out to my Sunday School class the Sunday after Valentine's Day. Yes, this would work out great! And do kids really care when they get sweets? I didn't think so! God in His goodness knew how He made me and worked it out perfectly! Love that! Our lesson this week was on the Life of King David (yes, the whole life... that alone was a big enough challenge to teach in 15 minutes to first graders!).

Crafts and sweet gifts of hearts matches a lesson on David perfectly as we discussed how God felt about David and comparing him to King Saul. David wasn't the most handsome and he sure wasn't the tallest. He was a young shephard when the prophet Samuel was intructed to go to Bethlehem and annoint this new king that would replace the fallen King Saul. No one was more shocked than David's own family! God used David to teach us that He does not look at our outside apperance; He looks on our hearts.

You may be beautiful on the outside, well dressed, always looking your best, but what is the state of your heart? Is it full of hateful thoughts, dishonestly, unfaithfulness and disobedience to God? Or are you maybe a bit of a mess on the outside but proudly holding Jesus in your heart striving to be more and more like Him each day? The way into our eternal home is not by our outward apperance or even by the works we do. It's only by Jesus. If you don't proclaim Jesus as your Savior, holding him in your heart, you will not be admitted. No exceptions.

Maybe this Valentine's Day will be a time for you to recommit your life to Christ or discover Him for the first time. God is waiting patiently for you and is looking at your heart and sees it's condition and yet still loves you as His own son or daughter. Choose Jesus.

"But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his apperance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward apppearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.""
1 Samuel 16:7

Decorating a Simple Heart Cookie

For more detailed instructions on making a royal iced sugar cookie click here.

Start by outlining each cookie with a piping bag and a #2 round tip. Give yourself about a quarter inch edge for lace around the iced heart.

Flood each cookie with thined royal icing using a toothpick to spread the icing around the cookie.

Using a piping bag and a #2 round tip filled with white royal icing, pipe a small heart into the wet icing.

Again using your white icing bag and the #2 tip, pipe half circles around the edge of the cookie overlaping the lines when strating a new half round. 

Let your cookies dry for 24 hours before writting a special message or scripture using a food pen. The edible ink needs about 3 hours to dry depending on humidity before bagging the cookies.


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